Historic Preservation Support

Assessments/Historic Structure Reports/106 reviews
• The Junior League of Chicago Historic Structures Report
• Fortnightly of Chicago: Historic Structures Report Update
• Frances Willard House: Historic Structures Report

Tax Credit Applications
• Britton Budd Senior Apartments
• Viceroy Hotel, Heartland Housing, Inc.
• Strand Hotel, Holsten Real Estate Development Corporation
• Surf Apartment Hotel, Chicago Housing Authority

• The North Geneva and Central Geneva Historic Districts were placed on the National Register in 1982 and 1979. MIA resurveyed the districts and The Geneva Local Historic District (est. 1987) to document changes since the establishment of the districts and to update the period of significance. The survey identified and documented all properties within the subject area. Research was compiled and a contextual history was written detailing the development of Geneva and describing local architectural styles and building types.

• Village of Wayne Intensive Survey
The Wayne Village Historic District and Oaklawn Farm Historic District were placed on the National Register in 1978 and 1979. This project entailed resurvey of the districts and adjacent properties to document changes that have occurred over time. The survey identified and documented all properties within the subject area. Research was compiled and a contextual history was written detailing the development of the village and describing local architectural styles and building types.

ILLINOIS HIBS Documentation
• Marseilles Hydro Plant
McGuire Igleski & Associates, Inc. performed an IL HIBS/HAER Level III Documentation of properties in Marseilles, Illinois: Marseilles Hydro Plant, North Head Race, South Head Race, Tail Race, and Boyce Paper Mill and Hydroelectric Plant. MIA researched each property to understand its historic, architectural and engineering character, significance, and context. The project included a visual survey of the site, buildings and built remains, a contextual history report for local, state and national significance, physical descriptions, and sketch plans of the Marseilles Hydro Plant and site.
Center on Halsted: Sexauer Garage
Menard Correctional Facility
Level I Documentation of the Administration Building and Level III Documentation of the Electric Eye Building. The Menard Correctional Center is the second oldest existing prison in Illinois and the oldest in operation in the state since the closing of Joliet Penitentiary. Menard Correctional Center has been in continuous use since its construction in the late 1870s. Illinois HIBS documentation included measured drawings of the Administration Building, a sketch plan of the Electric Eye Building, written historical and architectural information, photographic documentation, and the reproduction of historic photographs.

DuPage County Highway Department and Civil Defense Control Center

Historic Illinois Building Survey (HIBS) Level III Documentation of this center, significant as the nation’s first hydrogen-bomb blast and radiation resistant shelter and underground civil defense control center. When the center opened in 1958 it was the civil defense communication headquarters for Chicago and all of northeastern Illinois. The project included a visual survey of the site and building, a contextual history report for local, state and national significance, physical description, and sketch plans and photographic documentation.

Design Guidelines
Historic Fulton-Randolph Market District Design Guidelines
City of Aurora: Guidelines for Historic Districts
Development and production of Design Guidelines in English and Spanish for general maintenance, alteration, and new construction for historically designated properties and for four historic districts within the City of Aurora. An early railroad town situated on the Fox River, the City of Aurora has a rich building stock reflecting a range of construction periods from the mid 1800s to recent post-war architecture. Design Guidelines addressing residential and commercial areas are for four districts including the Near Eastside, shown above, and 28 individual landmarks.

National Register Nominations
• Strand Hotel National Register Nomination
Built in 1915, the Strand Hotel was designed by architectural firm of Davis & Davis. The building is significant as a fine example of a residential hotel, once a common building type in this area. The building also is among the few significant historic structures near of 63rd and Cottage Grove, historically a vibrant center of commerce. MIA prepared the National Register nomination, listed January 2013, tax credit application documents and coordinated preservation scope with the IL SHPO and the project architect.

• West Loop - LaSalle Street Historic District National Register Nomination
McGuire Igleski and Associates, Inc. was selected by the City of Chicago to prepare the National Register Nomination for the West Loop - LaSalle Street Historic District. The district extends from the LaSalle Street Bridge at the Chicago River to the Board of Trade Building and encompasses 72 resources, exemplifying a historic center of commerce and government between 1873 and 1962. The National Register District was listed in June 2013.

• Cermak Road Bridge Historic District National Register Nomination
McGuire Igleski and Associates, Inc. was selected by the City of Chicago to prepare the National Register Nomination for the Cermak Road Bridge Historic District. The District includes the historic Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge at the South Branch of the Chicago River as well as four manufacturing buildings representing the typical activity of the area between 1901 and 1924. The Cermak Road Bridge District was listed in the National Register in May 2012.

• North Geneva and Central Geneva National Register Historic District Updates
Services included survey, assessment, and development of the contextual history of approximately 773 properties of Geneva Historic District. This included the evaluation of the properties; research on the community’s history, local architecture and significant styles; and comprehensive summary and report for all resources. MIA also prepared updated nomination forms for the North Geneva and Central Geneva National Register Historic Districts. These were listed in 2017.

• Aledo
MIA prepared a historic resources survey and National Register Nomination for the Aledo Downtown Historic District for the City of Aledo. The historic downtown district listed in 2016 encompasses 100 acres and 84 resources significant for their contribution to the commercial, educational, civic and transportation, and social development of Aledo and Mercer County.